
Quick Start

If the template is available as a string and doesn't use any template inheritance, then templatel-render-string is the tool for the job:

(require 'templatel)
(templatel-render-string "Happy {{ thing }}" '(("thing" . "Hacking")))

There are some other steps to take to use Template Inheritance.


Anything that is surounded by the double curly brackets is evaluated as an expression. e.g. {{ 3 * 5 }} will evaluate to 15.


The most basic type of expression in templatel is a literal value.

  • integer: decimals 42, 52. hex numbers 0xff, 0xC0FFEE. binary numbers 0b1010.
  • float: 3.14, .5
  • boolean: true, false
  • string: "something quoted"
  • nil: nil

Arithmetic Expressions

They apply only for numbers and always return numbers (or NaN):

  • Unary Negative: -10, -0b1010, -3.5, -variable
  • Unary Positive: +3
  • Binary Sum: a + b
  • Binary Subtraction: a - b
  • Binary Multiplication: a * b
  • Binary Division: a / b

Comparison Expressions

They always return a boolean value.

  • Equal to: a == b
  • Different from: a != b
  • Member in list: a in b (b must be a list)

These ones only take numbers are input:

  • Greater than: a > b
  • Greater or equal than: a >= b
  • Lower then: a < b
  • Lower or equal than: a <= b

Logic Expressions

  • And: a and b true if a and b are true
  • Or: a or b true if either a or b are true
  • Not: not a negate a
  • Bitwise and: a & b
  • Bitwise or: a || b
  • Bitwise exclusive or: a ^ b
  • Bitwise not: ~a


In the code, statements are surounded by {% and %}.


The conditional statement if has the general syntax

  test_expression evaluated to true
{% elif TEST_EXPRESSION_2 %}
  test_expression_2 evaluated to true
{% else %}
  neither test_expression nor test_expression_2
  evaluated to true
{% endif %}

The statement can have zero or more many elif branches and the optional else statement.


The statement for allows looping through sequences.

{% for name in names %}
  {{ name }}
{% endfor %}

for loop statements are compiled down to a mapc call so the variable names can be any of sequence type. e.g.:

'(("names" . ("Lisp" "C" "Smalltalk")))


See the Template Inheritance document.


See the Template Inheritance document.