Design and Implementation


  • The code must first be correct (as defined by tests);
  • then it should be a clear statement of the design (what J.B.Rainsberger calls “no bad names”);
  • then it should contain no duplication (of text, of ideas, or of responsibility);
  • and finally it must be the smallest code that meets all of the above.

Kent Beck’s rules of simple design reworded by Kevin Rutherford on Refactoring in Ruby


To provide a reliable concurrency model, curdling needs to be simple and well tested. Writing good tests is also an excellent technique to keep your code simple. So we can say that tests are twice important for us.

Curdling currently has nearly 90% of test coverage and almost 50% of the code base is basically our tests directory. This number will eventually increase.

Applying suggested changes

While curdling is born in the highest hopes to reach every single Python developer in the world and attract as many contributors as possible, we still have to ensure quality and stability in the product.

Although, if a reasonable change contains proper tests, it will likely be merged. It’s strongly suggested for developers willing to send pull requests to read a few tests already present in the code base.

How the Install command works

Curdling’s most noticeable feature is the package installer. Just like pip install, the command curd install will find requirements in external repositories, build and install packages for you. But blazingly fast.

The install command is focused on both speed and accuracy. Curdling will always try to find the best version for a requirement set.

The Retrieve and Build stage will do the find, build and dependency check. This initial cycle won’t finish until we ensure that all the requested requirements were processed.

In the sequence, the Wheel Installer will ensure that all the requirements initially requested by the user were found during the R&B process; then it will install everything for you. These and all the other subsystems of the installer are going to be studied in depth in the next sections.

Retrieve and build process

Partial representation of the R&B flow:

Petri Net representation of the "Retrieve and Build" process

This process basically reads requirements from both the -r requirements.txt file and from the command line arguments (curd install <packages>). Let’s imagine the following call:

$ curd install Flask

What we want

  • Flask is the package you want to install in your environment.
  • We’re also interested in the package dependencies

Problems we have

  • We have to build the package before retrieving the dependency list.

What should happen

  1. Find out which packages we want to install (read more about command line parsing in the file curdling/tool/;
  2. Feed the Requirement Bucket with the package found in the command line;
  3. The requirement will be sent to the Finder component;
  4. The finder component uses a modified version of the distlib.locators.SimpleScraperLocator to find packages on PyPi compatible repos;
  5. If the package was found, its link will be sent to the Downloader;
  6. The Downloader does not download duplicated items. They’ll be discarded;
  7. If the Downloader finds the package, it will send it to the curdler component;
  8. The Curdler (builder) will uncompress the package and run its;
  9. After building the package, we’ll actually generate the wheel calling again using the bdist_wheel subcommand.
  10. So we finally, have a wheel file. The path for this file will be sent to the Dependency Checker;
  11. The Dependency Checker will yield each dependency found and it will start the whole process for the next package;
  12. After finding and yielding all the dependencies, the checker will forward the wheel to the installer queue;
  13. The installer queue contains packages, not requirements. So, every time we need to add a new package to that queue, we have to find a compatible version among all the ones downloaded for that specific package;

Steps from 2 to 13 will be repeated for each dependency found.

Install Wheels

This is the second step after populating the installer queue. When this queue is full and the previous step is finished. We’ll just consume the whole list and install the wheels required by the user and all its dependencies collected during the R&B process.

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